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How to make the installation of fire doors play their due role

Date:2023-03-21 Author: Nanchang Zhuohong Fire Equipment Co., Ltd Hits:49

How to make the installation of fire doors play their due role, the following links should be grasped well.

Fire compartments should be determined based on the type and nature of use of the building.

Industrial buildings and warehouses, civil buildings and underground structure have different area requirements, which should be determined according to the actual use of buildings. For example, the fire compartment of Class I high-rise civil buildings is 1000m2, that of Class II buildings is 1500m2, that of underground structure is 500m2, and that of 1-2 floors of ordinary buildings is 2500m2. Industrial buildings are determined according to the production category and the size of stored items. The Building Code has provisions on this, because of this, some buildings must be equipped with fire doors.

Determine the type of fireproof door according to the requirements of the location.

According to the fire resistance limit, it is divided into three levels: A, B, and C. The A level has a fire resistance time of 1.5 hours, B level has a fire resistance time of 1 hour, and C level has a fire resistance time of 0.5 hours.

According to the materials used, fire doors can be divided into steel fire doors, wooden fire doors, and steel wood composite fire doors.

According to the form of the door, it can be divided into flat fire doors, flat set fire resistant glass doors, decorative doors, and glass wood doors.

According to installation form, it is divided into single flush fire doors, double flush fire doors, side sliding doors, and electric fire doors.

According to the functional requirements of fire doors, it is necessary to select them correctly

In the firewalls of fire zones and independently used rooms, there are many types of fire doors used, such as fire control centers, water pump rooms, generator rooms, distribution rooms, etc., which all use Class A fire doors.

Use Class B fireproof doors in stairwells, front rooms, and other places.

Pipeline wells and cable wells shall use Class C fire doors.

Install fire doors correctly according to technical requirements

The door frame and door leaf can be installed by the manufacturer or by the construction unit, and the manufacturer is responsible for on-site guidance and calibration. The door leaf, door frame and assembly should be kept vertical, horizontal, and square.

The installation of door frames and leaves should pay attention to the opening direction of the door, and open towards the evacuation direction.

The installation of steel door frames and wooden door frames can be carried out according to relevant drawings, and embedded parts can be made.

The installation of wooden fireproof doors and steel doors should reserve the width of the joints according to regulations.

Fire doors, along with the door frame, can meet the requirements of stability, integrity, and insulation for a certain period of time. In addition to the function of a regular door, it also has a special function of preventing the spread of fire and smoke. Therefore, by installing fire doors correctly, once a building fires, it can control the fire within a certain range, reduce fire losses, and create favorable conditions for personnel evacuation and fire extinguishing.

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