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The Four Basic Characteristics of Explosion Relief Doors

Date:2023-03-27 Author: Nanchang Zhuohong Fire Equipment Co., Ltd Hits:28

1. Equipped with basic explosion relief function, that is, when an explosion occurs inside the explosion relief door and the gas pressure reaches the set value, the fan of the explosion relief door (window) will automatically unlock and release gas outwards. Reduce internal air pressure to ensure the safety of workers in production sites and reduce or avoid building damage caused by explosions.

2. The venting door has the function of being reused, that is, when the venting door is vented. The explosion relief door leaf can still be kept intact and can be restored to its original state after being locked, and can be used normally.

3. After installation, the explosion relief door can be integrated with the entire wall. And become a part of the wall, that is, the explosion relief door should be integrated with the wall, with the same shape, size, and style, to ensure the overall aesthetics of the building.

4. Explosion doors have high strength, shock resistance, wind pressure resistance, impact resistance, and other properties. High quality explosion doors also have fire and thermal insulation functions.

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