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What is a fire door? What are the classifications?

Date:2023-03-21 Author: Nanchang Zhuohong Fire Equipment Co., Ltd Hits:25

Fire doors refer to doors that can meet the requirements of fire resistance stability, integrity, and insulation within a certain period of time. It is a fire-resistant partition located in fire compartments, evacuation staircases, vertical shafts, etc.

Fire doors can be divided into wooden fire doors, steel fire doors, steel wood fire doors, and other fire doors based on their materials; According to usage functions, it can be divided into: access control fire doors, indoor fire doors, explosion-proof fire doors, quick locking fire doors, and quick opening fire doors in case of fire; According to the insulation situation, it can be divided into: insulated fireproof doors (Class A), partially insulated fireproof doors (Class B), non insulated fireproof doors (Class C), etc.

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